Church of Our Saviour is an Episcopal Church located in downtown Milford NH.

We are a warm and welcoming Episcopal congregation drawing members from Milford and the surrounding area including Amherst, Wilton, Mont Vernon, Hollis, and Brookline as well as northern Massachusetts.

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Messy Church has come to Church of Our Saviour! “Church, but not as you know it.” Please join us. There is no charge; no registration is required.

Messy Church is scheduled every few months. The next session of Messy Church is Saturday, May 10, 2025, from 4- 6 p.m., in the Undercroft of the Church.

Learn More about Messy Church →

We pride ourselves on supporting our local communities directly and through various organizations that provide food, housing, and other assistance to residents. Outreach will be running the Coffee Cake fundraiser again this year to support local not-for-profit organizations. During Lent, be on the lookout for order forms to purchase delicious coffee cakes made by My Grandma’s of New England. Orders will be ready for pick-up at church on April 17, in time for you to enjoy your coffee cake on Easter morning. There will also be an option to order and donate coffee cakes to SHARE. Order forms are accepted through Sunday, March 30th and are available in the church or HERE; please share them with your neighbors, friends, family, and colleagues, too. 

Learn More about our ministries→

Wednesday Notes is Church of Our Savior’s weekly newsletter. To read the current week’s Notes click HERE. If you would like to be included in our weekly Wednesday Notes you can sign up by emailing the office, HERE.


God of hope, from you come every blessing and all peace: Show us that, in the midst of our struggles, you are with us. Give us the abundance of your grace that we may do the work you give us to do and that we may be for the world a sign of your presence; through Christ, the Way and the Truth.  Amen.